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Community resources are helpful, especially when it comes to taking care of loved ones. This is why support services are available to help those who can’t perform simple tasks on their own, like transportation, meals, bathing, and more. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the common services that are available to you. 


Support Services for Seniors

Adult Day Services

Usually offered in the day-time, adult day services are provided at a community setting where people come for several hours a day to receive medical, social, and recreation services. These services will help with anyone who works full-time while taking care of their loved one. 

Assisted Transportation

Transportation can be difficult for some. That’s why there are resources available to help those who need to get to appointments or other necessary places. This includes door-to-door van services, discounted taxi programs, and volunteer drivers and escorts.

Caregiver Services

For those who need an extra hand, caregiver services are available. This can include respite, information about caregiving, referrals to services available, and training or support groups. Getting a little extra help can go a long way when it comes to caring for your loved ones. 

Care Assessment and Management

This gives aid to those who are in need of social services or nurses. This can include the assessment of needs, developing a plan of care, and arranging and monitoring these services. Depending on the type of service, this will mainly be handled by a social worker or a nurse.

Friendly Visitors

If you or a loved one is in need of someone to check-in, this service provides you with volunteers who will regularly check-up on the person in need. Whether they need to talk about important information that’s needed or if you just want a friend to talk to.


At-Home Services

There are a few different types of home care services available:

General Care:

This provides services to those who need a little help with the little tasks throughout the day like bathing, getting dressed, or other related activities.

Home Health Care:

To make at-home healthcare easier, this service provides nursing help, physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy for specific conditions.

Homemaker/chore services:

Chores around the house  can be difficult tasks to complete, which is why there are resources available for those who need help shoveling snow, mowing the lawn, or just general housekeeping. 

Related: Helping a Parent with Medicare Coverage

Information and Assistance Specialists

These individuals specialize in connecting you or your loved one to local resources and services that may be needed. This is great for anyone who doesn’t have the time in their schedule to research and schedule services for a loved one.


Depending on your location, meal services are also available to those who aren’t able to cook on their own. Meals may be delivered to your home or served in a senior center or community facility.  Getting a little extra help with this eliminates the hassle of getting groceries and cooking. 

Senior Centers

Senior centers are another great option for any loved one who isn’t able to handle living in a house anymore. These centers offer meals, recreational activities, classes, information and referral services, volunteer opportunities, employment services, public benefits counseling, and much more. 

If you’re caring for a loved one or a friend, these services are meant to give you an extra hand. They can be provided by your local agency on aging, or other public or nonprofit organizations. For more information, you can contact Twin City Underwriters


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