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Traveling Abroad with Medicare - Twin City Underwriters

Written by Todd Lewison | December 17, 2019

The cold and snowy Minnesota months are upon us, so it’s time to start looking for a sunny and warm place to vacation. Before you travel abroad, be sure to read this information about Medicare coverage and international travel. 

Does Medicare Cover Health Care Outside the U.S.?

Medicare generally does not cover health care while you are traveling outside of the United States. However, in an emergency situation, such as life or limb threatening conditions, your Medicare Coverage typically will provide you with stabilization. Beyond stabilization, you may be responsible for any healthcare expenses.

In What Cases does Medicare Pay for Health Services Internationally?

Medicare may pay for some health services internationally if you live in the U.S. and the foreign hospital is closer to your home than the nearest U.S. hospital that can treat your medical condition (whether or not a medical emergency is present). You may also be covered if you are traveling in the U.S. when a medical emergency occurs and a foreign hospital is closer than the nearest U.S. hospital.

How to Know What Coverage I Need when Traveling Internationally?

Being prepared for your upcoming trip should involve more than packing your suitcase and checking your itinerary. Reviewing your medical coverage and knowing what to expect in the event of a medical emergency is vital. Our agents can review what your current coverage provides and what additional coverage you may want to consider prior to your next international trip.

Can I Buy a Travel Insurance Policy?

Due to the fact that Medicare has limited travel medical coverage outside the U.S., you may choose to buy a travel insurance policy to gain more coverage. Travel insurance doesn’t necessarily include health insurance, so make sure to read the read the restrictions or conditions carefully. 

Are you planning to go on vacation outside of the United States? You can learn more about Medicare and traveling internationally by attending one of our Medicare workshops or by meeting with one of our knowledgeable Medicare agents.
